متحف صون تراث السودان الحي
يعمل مشروع صون تراث السودان الحي مع المجتمع السوداني في تجميع هذه المدونة المتحفية لمشاركة تراثنا السوداني مع العالم.



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About Us
The SSLH blog museum extends our living heritage awareness campaign on social media by allowing topics to be organised and treated in more depth.
The original SSLH brief was to revitalise the Ethnographic Museum in Khartoum as Sudan’s Living Heritage Museum. Due to the war, this became impossible. The blog museum space utilises digital space as a temporary alternative, working within its limits and potential to initiate discussions, archive and express our living heritage and identity.
The blog was curated with a museum mindset treating stories and media content as if they were museum objects and subjects. The different rooms have themes taken from traditional knowledge like food and coexistence, which also address forms of knowledge such as gender and language.
The curation logic also attempts a different viewpoint on ethnographic collections, one that recognises the different groups as designers, authors, and knowledge holders.
The blog museum team is both an expert editorial and media team along with diverse cultural experts specialised in museums, environment, and living heritage.